Tuesday, July 22, 2008

And so we move on

Firstly I wanted to apologize to all those who have been visiting my blog when I wasn't, really I should be more active. During the last month (wow has it been that long already?) I was on a hiatus from WoW, not because I was getting burnt out, but because I had family visiting for 3-4 weeks. I only got back to raiding last saturday and boy has it been good. So let me recap what I have achieved in one week of raiding.

Before: 2/5 Mount Hyjal and 0/9 Black Temple.

After: So I came back on saturday, my guild had cleared the first 2 bosses in Mount Hyjal but were wiping on the 3rd boss. The guild's main warrior tank was MIA so I took over the enviable task of main tanking. We go in and 1-shot Kaz'rogal with me tanking, the trash and the boss both on one attempt.

Woot 3/5 MH.

On our Monday raid, we head to BT for some fun, I brought my hunter for High Warlord Naj'entus cause you know, its a one-tank fight really. After 9 wipes my druid is called in to tank. 2 more attempts and one dead warlord.

Woot 1/9 BT
On our saturday raid, we had already cleared MH's first 3 bosses the previous night and this was to be our dedicated night for attempts on Azgalor. We went in and learnt the trash which was the hard part. After learning trash which took us 3 attempts I do believe, we got Azgalor on our second attempt. That officially makes us a T6 armor set geared guild. Oh I snagged me some pretty purples too.....Thunderheart Gauntlets anyone. Though they arent a super upgrade to the Badge gauntlets, they are however making a difference of around 300+ armor for a loss of a very minor stamina and agility. All in all a very happy bear here.

Woot 4/5 MH.

So in one week of my return my guild went up 3 bosses and we also got in some solid attempts on Supremus last night. Its a matter of time before we crack that loot pinata outta the way.

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