Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Add to my list another success

So Monday, I log onto Argonaut and start prepping for our raid, which is one I rarely attend since it conflicts with my other RL engagements. Anyway I log on, get a raid invite and see that we have 20 guild people for the raid and only 2 we pull a couple more from people's friends list and decide on doing VR (post buff and pre re-nerf). Now the guild's main warrior tank hadn't logged in...fine, nor had any of the other well geared tanks....ummm

Me: "We still running this place with just one decently geared tank and 2 Kara and blues/green geared tanks?"

GL: "Yup"

Me: "....."

So we go in, clear the trash, this being my first time ever main tanking in TK was fun. We only wiped once on trash because one of the tanks didn't heed my call to move his target away from the group which led to them being tossed outside into the path of another group.....wipefest ensued. So we move on, clear all the way there, no more wipes. Now our guild has never downed Void Reaver...ever, we once made a couple of attempts on him post buff but people weren't paying attention to the orbs and as a result dying. So the GL made a change, all healers stood inside the circle and only the ranged dps stood outside. That was essentially like 12 people. Now 3 tanks, melee dps and the healers were going to take the pounding but atleast they didn't need to worry about the orbs.

Those of you who have attempted VR know that he needs multiple tanks because he does a knockback which reduces threat severely, so this way tanks can rotate threat and not lose it to the dps. I realized this was going to be a problem, but after 5-6 knockbacks I still had threat and the other 2 tanks were unable to get Void Reaver off me, when they finally did they moved Void Reaver outside the circle and doomed the healers to an orb resulting in our first wipe. This was on the whole a bad thing, because the dps were being limited by threat generation. However ridiculous my threat generation is, I don't usually manage to hold threat after my second knockback with my regular tanks. So on our third attempt I chaffed an elixir of major agility, ate some agility food and used a scroll of agility to maximize crit and threat generation. This time around my threat generation was huge, the locks didn't come close until much later, the other tanks got aggro only to lose it to me in seconds and we managed to kill him just a couple of seconds after he hit the enrage. I can tell you hit me hard during enrage(somewhere in the range of 19k) but he couldn't one shot me and that was all the time we needed.

VR down.

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