Friday, March 14, 2008

Strat Guide: Lurker Below

Seeing how my guild along with a wee bit of my assistance managed to down the Lurker last night, I thought I'd post a strat guide on how to best deal with him. This guide is also enlightening for people with a bit o' lag and how to overcome it for teh winz.
Last night started well for the most part with me logging in to be the 24th raider in the raid group (seeing that I log in late for the thursday raids regularly, something which my guild officers are well aware of), something which hasn't happened before, I was pleasantly surprised and had a feeling in my gut that tonight was the night. So I log on, fly to SSC, while my guild clears the first 3 sets of trash pulls. I come in help tank the next few, but teh intehnet was not on my side, I was plagued by constant spike lags, random dc's, and all other things satanic. So I asked another feral druid in our guild to tank in my place while I kitty pew-pew-ed, since as kitty my dc wont wipe the raid.

So we clear the trash and head on towards the big boss man, again I ask to kitty, but the first coupla attempts my lag spikes result in me coming back to see "You are dead" message. This really begins to tick me off and I ask the raid to replace me in favor of someone who can actually do some DPS in this situation. Anyhow they ask me to reboot and I end up wiring my internet connection, reseting the modem, and restarting. Much better, plus my uber dps always sees us through the rough patches.

So since I'm melee I stand on the middle island, right opposite the MT, who tanks with his back towards a wall, so that spouts and whirls dont knock him into oblivion and beyond. All melee get salvation, all ranged get dps enhancing buffs. Why you ask, well Lurker does not attack ranged unless there are no melee alive, in which case is pretty much a wipe cause then he shoots water bullets or something which are extremely high damage and result in one hit kills. So melee --- Blessing of Salvation, ranged --- Blessing of uber dps. Also even though this is a given, even with salv give the MT a coupla seconds to build aggro or like some of our fury warriors (you know who you are) you will be eating dirt real fast, along with slowing down the dps of the raid. So now you dps. But is that all....of course not, theres a lot more. Lurker has 2 abilities to watch out for:
1) Whirl: Its basically a knockback to the players on the middle platform (where Lurker spawns) along with high damage, 3-4k on leather. For melee you can either

a)Stand right up close to him that the scalding water is just one step ahead, this way the knockback will still leave you on the platform, instead of knocking you back into the water. (Recommended for those with lag, pray your healers like you)

b)Using DBM time your run to the extreme outside edge of the platform and not get the knockback or the damage.
For ranged dps and healers standing on the middle platform, always stand towards the outside edge.

2)Spout: This is generally the raid killing ability of the Lurker. Its heavy damage, can be upwards of 10k, and knocks you far away from the raid and into the hungry bowels of the scalding water with a 500 damage every 3 second tick, low on health and heavy damage = kiss your furry a$$ goodbye. This is generally preceeded by a "Lurker takes a deep breath" Raid warning followed by either a clockwise or anti-clockwise spout which he does for slightly over 360 degrees. Now for this there are 2 options for those on the middle platform

a)Dps while standing behind him, and the moment he starts spouting run in the same direction while sticking to the inner edge, this way you can continue damaging him, as well as outrunning the spout. (Note: You cannot outrun the spout without the half a circle lead without using some speed enhancing abilities, I wouldn't suggest you try either.)

b)Jump into the water while the spout passes over you.

c)(What I did as a result of spike lags) Jump into the water in front of you, remember you can dps while in the water, blew my trinks and dpsed him hard, he follows his spout by a whirl which landed me perfectly back on the platform. (Recommended for folks with lag spikes)

3)Enrage: He doesn't enrage so this fight isn't time dependant. Survival is key.

Now that you know about the abilities, its time to discuss the phases. This fight has 2 phases that alternate until the Lurker is dead.

Phase 1: Lurker is above water, being a jerk, not pleased at being made a fool of and being fished up.

Phase 2: Lurker decides hes lazy, so he submerges and sends in his minions, 3 Coilfang Guardians on the middle island, and 2 ranged coilfang somethings(Ranged dps who use multi shot if no one is in melee range) on the outside 3 islands. They are all CC-able. All of them. As a result the outside islands usually have locks and hunters to CC and dps them down. The inner islands are a different story. Generally 3 tanks pick up one each of the Guardians, or 2 tanks and one sheep, and we dps the down in short order, usually freeing up the main tanks mob first so that we don't have to deal with him being tied up along with the Lurker. It is important to kill all mobs before the Lurker re-emerges, or sheep/cc the remaining mobs, because as soon as the Lurkers comes back up. He spouts, followed by a whirl. We figured killing them all was better than letting one remain sheeped and having it break sheep followed by a splattered mage and more mayhem. A thing to note is that if you have a mob sheeped the entire time, then that mob wont come back with the next wave of adds. That means if you keep one Coilfang Guardian the whole time, then the next Phase 2 will spawn only 2 Coilfang Guardian instead of 3, so if you think you would like to keep one sheeped, then it won't become progressively harder.
Now the idea is to rinse and repeat.

Hopefully this guide helps you all down the Lurker. I havent mentioned any timers and stuff, but thats why you need a boss mod, and if you don't already have one, then shame on you for doing 25-mans without a boss mod.

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